Puja services

Celebrate Life's Milestones with SubhaKaryalu in Hyderabad: Namakaranam, Sashtipoorthi, Seemantham, and More"

Akshar abhyasam

Aksharabhyasam is a traditional Hindu ritual performed during a child's initiation into the world of education. It is a significant ceremony where the child is introduced to the basic principles of reading and writing.
The term "Aksharabhyasam" translates to "initiation into letters." The ceremony typically takes place in a temple or at home, where the child sits before a sacred symbol or deity representing knowledge.
The child's index finger is guided to write the sacred syllables or letters in a tray of rice or sand, symbolizing the beginning of their educational journey. Aksharabhyasam holds great cultural and religious importance, emphasizing the value of learning and literacy in a child's life.


Annaprasana is a significant Hindu ritual that marks the introduction of solid food to an infant. The term "Annaprasana" translates to "grain initiation." It is a joyful ceremony celebrated when a baby reaches the age of 6 months, as it is believed that their digestive system is ready for solid food.
The ritual typically takes place at home or in a temple, where the child is seated on the parent's lap. A chosen family member or priest feeds the baby their first mouthful of solid food, usually rice or a sweet substance.
Annaprasana signifies the child's transition from a milk-only diet to the diverse world of solid sustenance, symbolizing growth, nourishment, and the beginning of their culinary journey.

Engagement puja

Traditional Hindu ritual that celebrates the formal announcement of a couple's engagement. The puja is performed to seek blessings from the deities for a harmonious and prosperous future together.
The ceremony usually takes place at the bride's or groom's residence or a temple. It involves the exchange of rings between the couple as a symbol of their commitment and the official union of their families. Prayers, mantras, and rituals are conducted by a priest, invoking divine blessings for the couple's happiness, love, and success in their forthcoming journey of marriage.
The engagement puja holds cultural significance, fostering the bond between families and setting the stage for the wedding preparations to follow.

Kanaka abhishekam

Kanakabhishekam is a sacred Hindu ritual that involves showering a deity or spiritual leader with gold or golden-colored items.
The term "Kanakabhishekam" translates to "anointing with gold." The ceremony signifies the devotees' reverence, devotion, and desire to honor the divine with the most precious metal.
It is often performed during auspicious occasions or as a gesture of gratitude and devotion. Gold coins, jewelry, flowers, and other golden offerings are showered upon the deity while chanting prayers and mantras. Kanakabhishekam symbolizes the belief that gold represents purity, prosperity, and divine blessings.
The ritual is considered a way to seek the favor and blessings of the deity or spiritual figure being honored

Namakaranam (Barasala)

Namakaranam is a significant Hindu naming ceremony that celebrates the introduction of a newborn baby's name.
The term "Namakaranam" translates to "naming" or "name-giving." The ceremony is usually held on the 11th or 12th day after the child's birth, and it carries great cultural and religious significance. Family members, friends, and religious figures gather to bless the child and participate in the ritual.
The baby is adorned in traditional attire, and a chosen family member or priest whispers the chosen name into the child's ear. Prayers, mantras, and rituals are performed to seek divine blessings for the child's well-being, prosperity, and a bright future. Namakaranam is a joyous occasion that marks the formal introduction of the child into their family and community with a meaningful name.

Sashti poorthi

Sashtipoorthi, also known as Shashtiabdhapoorthi, is a significant milestone celebration in Hindu culture that commemorates a person's 60th birthday. The term "Sashtipoorthi" translates to "completion of sixty."
It is considered a momentous occasion symbolizing longevity, wisdom, and the completion of one phase of life.
The celebration typically involves a grand ceremony where family, friends, and well-wishers come together to honor the individual. Rituals, prayers, and religious ceremonies are conducted to seek blessings for the person's continued health, happiness, and prosperous years ahead. Sashtipoorthi signifies a new beginning, offering the opportunity to reflect on life's journey and embrace the blessings of the past while looking forward to the future with renewed vigor and gratitude.

Satha abhishekam

Sathabhishekam, also known as Shathabhishekam, is a significant milestone celebration in Hindu tradition that commemorates a person's 80th birthday.
The term "Sathabhishekam" translates to "completion of a hundred." It is a joyous occasion that marks a person's long and fulfilling life. Family, friends, and well-wishers come together to honor and pay tribute to the individual.
Elaborate rituals, prayers, and ceremonies are conducted to seek blessings for their continued health, happiness, and prosperity.
Sathabhishekam represents the culmination of a lifetime of experiences, wisdom, and blessings. It is an opportunity to express gratitude, celebrate achievements, and seek divine blessings for the individual's well-being and contentment in the years ahead.


Seemantham, also known as Seemanth or Baby Shower, is a traditional Hindu ritual celebrated during the pregnancy of a woman.
The term "Seemantham" translates to "parting of the hair." The ceremony is performed to bless and protect both the mother and the unborn child. It is typically conducted during the seventh month of pregnancy and involves various rituals, prayers, and cultural practices.
The expectant mother is adorned with traditional attire, and her hair is parted symbolically to ward off evil spirits. Blessings, well-wishes, and gifts are showered upon the mother and the baby.
Seemantham is a joyous occasion that signifies the transition to motherhood and seeks blessings for a safe and healthy delivery.


Upanayanam, is the sacred thread ceremony or initiation ceremony, is a significant Hindu ritual that marks the transition of a boy into the phase of formal education and spiritual learning.
The term "Upanayanam" translates to "leading near" or "bringing closer to the guru." The ceremony typically takes place during the early years of a boy's life, and it involves the investiture of the sacred thread (Yagnopavitam) around his shoulder.
The ritual signifies the boy's acceptance of his guru or spiritual teacher and the commitment to lifelong learning and discipline. Upanayanam is considered a rite of passage, symbolizing the boy's entry into higher education, knowledge, and the pursuit of spiritual wisdom.

Gruha pravesam

Gruhapravesam, also known as Housewarming, is a significant ceremony in Hindu culture that celebrates the entry of a family into their new home.
The term "Gruhapravesam" translates to "entering the house." The ceremony is conducted to invoke blessings, cleanse the space, and ensure harmony and prosperity in the new dwelling. Rituals, prayers, and homam (sacred fire ceremony) are performed to purify and sanctify the home. A priest guides the family through the rituals, offering prayers and blessings for their well-being and success.
Gruhapravesam is a joyous occasion that brings together family and friends to celebrate the new chapter in the family's life and create positive energies in their new abode.